What are The Causes and Solutions of Snoring Loudly?

Millions of people are affected by snoring while sleeping. 

The most affected are men, who are likely to snore more than women and it increases with age.

If you snore and it is affecting your sleep or your partner's sleep, there are some lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce snoring. This includes losing weight, avoiding alcohol consumption and smoking, and sleeping on your side.

There are also medical treatments available, such as oral appliances, nasal strips, and surgery, that can help alleviate snoring. In this blog, we will discuss all about what are the causes and solutions of snoring.

So, let’s begin.

What is Snoring?

Snoring is a condition that occurs during sleep when the airflow through the mouth and nose is partially blocked, causing vibrations in the throat tissues and producing the sound of snoring.

The tissues in the throat can relax and partially obstruct the airway due to a variety of factors, such as obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, allergies, nasal congestion, sleeping on one's back, and sleep apnea.

Snoring can be a harmless and occasional occurrence, but it can also disrupt sleep patterns and lead to fatigue, irritability, and decreased productivity during the day.

In some cases, snoring can be a sign of a more serious condition, such as sleep apnea, which requires medical attention.

Learn about the causes of snoring and how to stop it, in the next section moving ahead.

What are the Causes of Snoring?

Various reasons can contribute to snoring. Mentioned below are the top 5 key reasons that cause heavy snoring at night.

#1. Obesity

When a person is overweight, excess fat can accumulate around the neck and throat, putting pressure on the airway and causing it to narrow.

This can make it more difficult to breathe during sleep and increase the likelihood of snoring.

In addition, excess weight can also cause changes in the hormones that regulate breathing, which can further increase the risk of snoring and other sleep-related breathing disorders.

#2. Alcohol Consumption

It can cause or worsen snoring issues in people. This is because alcohol relaxes the muscles in the throat, including the ones that control breathing.

When these muscles relax, they can collapse and partially obstruct the airway, which can lead to snoring. 

In addition, alcohol can also cause inflammation and irritation of the tissues in the throat, making the airway even more narrow and increasing the likelihood of snoring.

#3. Sleeping Position

Sleeping on one's back can cause the tongue and soft palate to collapse to the back of the throat, obstructing the airway and leading to snoring.

This is because gravity can pull the tongue and soft palate toward the back of the throat when a person is lying on their back.

#4. Allergies and Congestion

When the nasal passages are congested or inflamed due to allergies or other factors, it can make it difficult to breathe through the nose.

This can force a person to breathe through their mouth, which can cause snoring.

In addition, nasal congestion can also create a vacuum effect that pulls the soft tissues in the throat toward the back, obstructing the airway and increasing the likelihood of snoring.

#5. Aging

As people age, the muscles in the throat can become weaker and lose tone, which can increase the possibility of snoring.

In addition, aging can also cause changes in the airway, including a decrease in the size of the airway and an increase in the amount of fatty tissue in the throat.

This can further increase the risk of snoring. These are some of the common reasons that cause snoring. 

So, if you’re wondering how to get rid of snoring at night naturally, by bringing a few changes in your lifestyle and being vigilant about the changes in the body, you can eliminate the snoring issues.

What are the Snoring Solutions?

Now that we have discussed the key snoring causes, we shall also discuss the solutions to get rid of it. Mentioned below are some ways to stop snoring loudly that may have long-term effects on people.

#1. Quit Smoking and Alcohol

To quit snoring quit smoking! Also, reducing alcohol consumption can help reduce snoring.

Smoking can irritate the tissues in the throat, leading to inflammation and swelling that can obstruct the airway and cause snoring.

Additionally, quitting smoking can reduce inflammation and improve overall lung function, which can help reduce snoring.

#2. Drink More Water

When a person is dehydrated, the secretions in the nose and throat can become thick and sticky, which can increase the likelihood of snoring.

Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help thin out these secretions, making it easier to breathe through the nose and reducing the likelihood of snoring.

In addition, staying hydrated can also help to reduce inflammation in the throat, which can further reduce the risk of snoring.

#3. Use Anti-Snoring Devices

Snoring devices can be effective in reducing snoring. There are several types of snoring devices available such as nasal dilators.

They are small devices that fit inside the nostrils and help to keep the nasal passages open, making it easier to breathe through the nose and reducing the likelihood of snoring.

AirSnore is among the highly recommended anti-snoring devices that have helped people get rid of irritating snoring issues.

AirSnore mouthpiece reviews are positive and people have experienced significant changes.

Another device is a snoring pillow, a specially designed pillow that helps to position the head and neck in a way that reduces the risk of snoring.

#4. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Getting sufficient sleep is important for overall health, and it can also help reduce snoring. 

In general, it is recommended that adults aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep can help to reduce muscle relaxation in the throat, making it less likely for snoring to occur.

#5. Improve your Sleeping Position

Elevating the head during sleep can help reduce snoring for some people.

When a person lies flat on their back, the tongue and soft tissues in the throat can fall back and obstruct the airway, leading to snoring.

Elevating the head by propping up a pillow or using an adjustable bed can help to keep the airway open and reduce the likelihood of snoring. Following these tips, you can see a positive result in snoring habits.


 In summary, there are several remedies available to help reduce snoring, but the most effective approach will depend on the individual's specific situation and underlying causes.

The most effective way to reduce snoring will depend on the underlying cause which includes - smoking, alcohol consumption, disrupted sleeping habits, and unfavorable sleeping positions.

By quitting these habits, you will be able to see your partner less complaining, or you will experience a change in your snoring habits very soon.

Hope the blog helped you provide a solution to this very common and irritating habit.


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